Sacred Earth
offers a variety of workshops
to inspire and enable you in a variety of topics in regenerative and healthy living.
Self sustaining practices, that will add value to your life and nourishment to your home
Please contact us for dates and venues
Upcoming Permaculture Design Course 20th September to 1st October 2021 For full details of the course click here
Workshops offered include the following topics
We also tailor make workshops according to your needs
Introduction to Permaculture
Understanding the value of permaculture, an ecological design system for a sustainable way of life
An introduction to the guiding ethics and principles of permaculture.
Permaculture design
An in depth journey in permaculture design.
Guiding you with the design tools to observe, consider and apply permaculture design
Permaculture design principles and application thereof.
Landscape and social observations. Patterning. Energy efficient planning. Practical techniques in water managment, soil conditioning, plant diversity, plant propogation.
Catch, store and cultivate resources
How to catch, store and cultivate resources and create no waste
with the design of water, nutrient and energy cycles on your homestead.
Energy efficient planning, providing for your needs and promoting life
Grow your own
Learn how to grow and maintain your own vegetable garden,
How to design, implement and maintain an organic garden according to permaculture principles.
Site selection and garden design. Understanding contours,
Support layers, water management and irrigation, fencing, windbreaks,
soil building and compost making, bed preparation, mulching, integrated pest and disease control,
plant propogation. Plant layers. Seasonal planting.
Water management
Water conservation and water harvesting.
Principles of water management and applying them.
Working with slope. Understanding contours.
Use of A-frame, bunyip level and dumpy level to map contours on site.
Swales. Diversions. Overflows. Terracing. Mulching. Mulch pits.
Grey water systems
Principles and processes to make use of this valuable resource
Plants for grey water systems
The banana circle
Thoughts on black water
Soil conditioning
Living soils and the nutrient cycle
Cultivated eco-systems
Compost, mulch, green manures, biodynamic accumulators, mulch pits, earthworms.
All about plants – Plant Propogation and Plant Systems
Plant systems to support a cultivated, sustainable, regenerative ecology
Plant propogation by seed and cuttings. Soil mixes
Tree guilds
Windbreaks and shelterbelts
Planting the vegetable garden
Perennials and annuals
Companion planting and cropping systems
Green manures and biodynamic accululators
The value of trees.
Appropriate Species. Propagating trees. Tree Planting. Tree guilds. Tree care
Windbreaks , shelter belts, living fences, fedges,
Design, appropriate species, layout and planting
Fruit tree guilds, orchards and food forest systems
Designing a sustainable, regenerative ecosystem
Approprate species selection
Site selection, requirements and considerations
Water, nutrient and energy systems
Working with wattle – the way of the wattle and other alien or invasive species
Succession and the role of plants in our ecosystem
Solutions for working with alien invasive vegetation
Land rehabilitation
Principles and techniques to rehabilitating damaged landscapes.
Seed saving
The cycle of seeds
Understanding what open-pollinated, hybrid and gmo varieties are
Introduction to plant families
How to save seeds
Cultivation, selection, collection, drying and storage