R 25.00
Evening Primrose Oenothera biennis
A hardy biennial herb.
The leaves form a tight rosette until flowering begins in which the plant steadily rises and flowers continually over a long period.
Buds unfold in front of your eyes opening in the evening light and into the night.
Beautiful soft yellow flowers with a gentle fragrance.
Honeybees visit to harvest pollen in the morning.
Flowers are edible. Seeds are rich in essential omega fatty acids and can be ground and added to food.
Before bolting to flowering, the roots are edible and can be cooked like carrots/parsnips.
A highly valued medicinal plant.
The oil is used for treating a wide range of conditions associated with imbalances and abnormalities of essential fatty acids, including atopic eczema, asthma, migraine, inflammations, discomfort associated with premenstrual syndrome, metabolic disorders, diabetes, arthritis, and alcoholism.
Used as a catch crop and sacrifice plant in the U.S for Japanese beetles who favour the leaves over other food crops.
Oenothera biennis
A hardy biennial herb.
The leaves form a tight rosette until flowering begins in which the plant steadily rises and flowers continually over a long period.
Buds unfold in front of your eyes opening in the evening light and into the night.
Beautiful soft yellow flowers with a gentle fragrance.
Honeybees visit to harvest pollen in the morning.
Flowers are edible. Seeds are rich in essential omega fatty acids and can be ground and added to food.
Before bolting to flowering, the roots are edible and can be cooked like carrots/parsnips.
A highly valued medicinal plant.
The oil is used for treating a wide range of conditions associated with imbalances and abnormalities of essential fatty acids, including atopic eczema, asthma, migraine, inflammations, discomfort associated with premenstrual syndrome, metabolic disorders, diabetes, arthritis, and alcoholism.
Used as a catch crop and sacrifice plant in the U.S for Japanese beetles who favour the leaves over other food crops.